Isn’t it ironic that Christians number over 2 billion and yet they bemoan their lack of impact on today’s culture and are ready to throw in the towel? Contrast this with the motley crew of 12 in Jesus’ day who turned the world upside down. If only someone would pull the curtain back and reveal the secret formula, we’d imitate and revolutionize the world—or so we think.
Simon Sinek, a TED celebrity known for his 'Golden Circle,' explains why many companies that start with a bang die with a whimper. What caused their untimely demise wasn't their business idea, cash flow, or failure in execution. According to Sinek, these companies start by answering the question 'WHAT' they like to do and then move on to 'HOW' to do it. They invariably give little or no thought to the 'WHY.'
Truly great companies, on the other hand, do the exact opposite. They first answer the question 'WHY'—their purpose or motive for being in business. This then leads to 'HOW' to execute the purpose effectively. Consequently, whatever they do becomes an overwhelming success.
Although Simon is credited for inventing the 'Golden Circle,' this concept isn't original to him. The Apostle Paul gave us a similar formula way back in the 1st century. He wasn't talking about companies achieving greatness but was teaching Christians in Rome the art of living a victorious Christian life.
Do Not Start with ‘What’ ❌
We, as Christians, are obsessed with the 'what to do's.' We're given a litany of things: church attendance, Bible reading, prayer (fasting, maybe), tithing, the Golden Rule, and so on. We are a bunch of worn-out Christians trying hard to keep up with the spiritual Joneses. Our leaders aren’t any better—they are merely concerned about the extraneous conduct (morals) of their congregations. We talk about grace, but it’s all about works/outward behavior.
Start with ‘WHY’ ✅
In the 12th chapter of Romans, Apostle Paul clarifies the 'WHY' in verse 1. Then he explains 'HOW' in verses 2-9 and finally tells us 'WHAT' to do from 9-21.
WHY? Why do I (and you) want to live a Christ-like life? (The Motive)
In the busyness of our 'what to do's,' we often neglect to clarify the purpose.
There are myriad reasons for following Christ. Some follow Him for miracles; for some, it’s physical, mental, or financial health; and others play to the gallery (for applause's sake).
If we were to ask Paul if any of these could be our reasons/whys, he would give a resounding NO.
Verse 1: 'I beseech you, therefore, brethren, by (because/in view of) the mercies of God… that you present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.'
Question: Why do I want to live a Christ-like life? Apostle Paul: Because of the mercies of God.
That MUST be the reason. The only reason.
The stalwarts in the Bible who achieved greatness, were no different from us. Abraham came from an idolatrous city; Moses was a stammerer; David, a shepherd boy; Peter, an unschooled fisherman; Paul, the chief of sinners. Their super-human achievements could be attributed to a common denominator: They all started with the 'why' (not with the what or how). It was God’s mercies that drove and propelled them into greatness.
Paul has expounded upon the 'mercies of God' in the first 11 chapters: We all were miserable sinners, helpless and on the highway to hell. But God intervenes, gives His Son as a ransom for our sins and pulls us out from the jaws of death. And as though that were not sufficent, He declares us righteous, adopts us, and makes us joint heirs with Christ.
I don't follow Christ for money, power, prestige, or fame. I am a follower because of HIS boundless mercy and amazing grace.
The How: How do I follow Christ?
Many sincere believers are interested in the know-how of the Christian life. When the Bible says 'Love your enemies,' they ask, how do you do that? How can you 'turn the other cheek'? How does one offer one's body as a living sacrifice?
We’ve been led to believe that we serve God with our offering/tithe or by volunteering to teach a Sunday school class or enrolling in a seminary. This doesn't cut it with Apostle Paul. That’s not how you do the Christian life.
Paul says, 'In view of God’s mercies, offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, which is your reasonable service.' At first glance, it sounds unreasonable, but it isn’t. What could we offer God for sending the 'Lamb of God' as our substitute, rescuing us from eternal death and bestowing the gift of eternal life upon us? The least we could do is offer up our earthly bodies (tents) to glorify Him (1 Corinthians 6:19-20 and Romans 6:13). You can't find a better deal.
We Receive (Gain) :
Everlasting Life + Righteousness + Adoption + Joint-heirship with Christ.
We Give Away (Lose):
Our temporary bodies as a living sacrifice (to be used for God’s glory and not as instruments of unrighteousness.
The people who turned the world upside down weren't chasing 'their' dreams or aspirations. They were following Christ. They considered all the things of this world as garbage (dung) in order to gain Christ. They lived as strangers and exiles here on earth, rejecting the “fleeting pleasures” of this world and regarding disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value.
That’s HOW they did it.
We don't need 2 billion+ lukewarm Christians.
We require a handful of fearless men and women who love Him because He loved them first (WHY), and who deny themselves, carry their own cross, and follow Him (HOW). And whatever they do is the fulcrum and lever that changes the world (WHAT).
"Onward, Christian Soldiers, Marching as to war. With the cross of Jesus going on before. Christ, the royal master, leads against the foe. At the name of Jesus, Satan’s host doth flee. On, then, Christian soldiers, on to victory!"
After going through your very clear and well written article Theo, it makes sense to know why there’s only a limping progress in getting the lost sheep into His fold. Without the golden rule of Paul being practised, how else can there be a change in people if the ‘why’ does not impact us as it should and the ‘how’ does not lead us to voluntarily yield ourselves to Him and His service?
The article has spoken to my heart, thank you🙏🏽